Reader’s Comments

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3 thoughts on “Reader’s Comments

  1. I really enjoyed your book, Bill. Thanks for taking a traditional, tired tale and bending my mind with it. You have breathed new life into an old story. I crave more like it because you forced me to see something completely familiar in a totally new light. I hope you have plans to write another – cuz I’m hooked! Thanks!

  2. The author and I have had discussions off-and-on over some of the events depicted in this story line for over two decades. I was excited to hear that he was finally moving from round-table discussions to the creation of a full-blown novel. I was even more excited to get my advance-copy and begin the journey of character discovery within these pages. Mr. Kuykendall has done a fantastic job weaving history, fantasy, science, fiction, and the ultimate human experience of survival into a great story.
    Upon completion, I’m left with only one question: How long must I wait for my advance-copy of the sequel?

    • I was just thinking today that perhaps the onset of Winter here in snow country might inspire me to tackle one of the many obvious sequels.

      But I would encourage you not to wait for me — because YOUR LIFE is the most fantastic sequel of all…

      Thanks for posting,
      Bill K.

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